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Paul Brady - Transatlantic Sessions - Series 3: Volume Two '2008

Transatlantic Sessions - Series 3: Volume Two
ArtistPaul Brady Related artists
Album name Transatlantic Sessions - Series 3: Volume Two
Date 2008
Play time 01:18:10
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1030 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 506.94 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Aly Bain - Woo'd an Marrit an' - Up da Stroods da Sailor Goes
2. Joan Osborne - Holy Waters
3. Catriona Mackay - Swan LK 243
4. Tim O'Brien - Look Down that Lonesome Road
5. Phil Cunningham - Eleanor of Usen
6. Iris DeMent - He Reached Down
7. Jenna Reid - Hector the Hero
8. Julie Fowlis - Bothan Airigh am Braigh Raithneach
9. Russ Barenberg - Through the Gates
10. Eddi Reader - Aye Wauken-o
11. Michael McGoldrick - Sail Away Ladies - Walking in the Parlour
12. Don't Try to Please Me
13. Bruce Molsky - Half Past Four
14. Julie Fowlis - O'Ganaich Uir a Rinn M'Fhagail
15. Aly Bain - Sophie's Lullaby
16. Joan Osborne - Please Don't Tell Me how the Story Ends
17. Sharon Shannon - The Neck Belly Reels
18. Cara Dillon - P Stands for Paddy
19. Darrell Scott - You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive
20. Rainbow

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