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Paul Brady - The Green Crow Caws '2024

The Green Crow Caws
ArtistPaul Brady Related artists
Album name The Green Crow Caws
Date 2024
Play time 00:39:50
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 646 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 196.76 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. In 1978, Shivaun O'Casey, daughter of Irish playwright Seán O'Casey, began a project to record an album featuring songs from her father's plays. She enlisted Seán Murphy as producer and director, and approached a musical director to arrange and compose music for songs lacking existing scores. O'Casey’s plays included early 20th-century songs from Music Hall and Irish folk traditions, with some familiar tunes adapted and new music composed for soliloquies and poems. Irish actor and singer John Kavanagh performed on the album, and composer Shaun Davey assisted with the musical arrangements
2. The album, The Green Crow Caws, was released in 1979, but it struggled to gain attention due to confusion over its genre. A brief CD release in the 1990s also failed to succeed. After the recent passing of producer Seán Murphy, the album was re-released, remastered, and repackaged in hopes of reaching a new audience
3. Tracklist:
4. 1 Down Where The Bees Are Humming
5. 2 My Bodice Neat And Modest
6. 3 As I Wait In The Boreen For Maggy
7. 4 White Legg'd Mary
8. 5 Eros, Pt. 1
9. 6 Since Maggy Went Away
10. 7 Eros, Pt. 2
11. 8 Niall
12. 9 A Sour Soul'd Cleric
13. 10 I Tuck'd Up My Sleeves
14. 11 Lament For Thomas Ashe
15. 12 A Rare Time For Death In Ireland
16. 13 Nora
17. 14 All Round Me Hat

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