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Petula Clark - It Had to Be You: The Complete Early Singles '2007

It Had to Be You: The Complete Early Singles
ArtistPetula Clark Related artists
Album name It Had to Be You: The Complete Early Singles
Date 2007
GenreEasy Listening
Play time 02:39:39
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 335 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 381.65 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tell me truly
2. Song of the mermaid
3. House in the sky
4. Put your shoes on, Lucy
5. A boy in love
6. A boy in love - Radiola version
7. Where did my snowman go
8. Anytime is tea time now
9. Out of a clear blue sky
10. Temptation song
11. Blossoms at the bough
12. My love is a wanderer
13. Talky, talky, talky
14. Christopher Robin at Buckingham Palace
15. Three little kittens
16. You are my true love
17. You're the sweetest in the land
18. Beloved, be faithful
19. Tennesee waltz
20. Meet me in Battersea Park
21. A long way to go
22. Balck-note serenade
23. Somebody
24. Christmas cards
25. Mariandl
26. Majorca
27. That's how a love song is born
28. Romance in Rome
29. Chee chee-oo chee
30. The pendulum song
31. Crazy Otto Rag
32. How are things with you
33. Tuna puna Trinidad

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