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Larry Williams - At His Finest: The Specialty Rock'n'Roll Years '2004

At His Finest: The Specialty Rock'n'Roll Years
ArtistLarry Williams Related artists
Album name At His Finest: The Specialty Rock'n'Roll Years
Date 2004
GenreRock & Roll
Play time 1:56:30
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 591 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 576.76 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Just Because
2. Let Me Tell You Baby
3. Short Fat Fannie
4. High School Dance
5. Bony Moronie
6. You Bug Me Baby
7. Dizzy Miss Lizzy
8. Slow Down
9. Hootchy-Koo
10. The Dummy
11. Peaches And Cream
12. I Was A Fool To Let You Go
13. Bad Boy
14. She Said, Yeah
15. I Can't Stop Lovin' You
16. Steal A Little Kiss
17. Teardrops
18. Give Me Love
19. Ting-A-Ling
20. Little School Girl
21. Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu
22. Hey Now, Hey Now aka Jockomo
23. Short Fat Fannie
24. Iko Iko
25. Love Charms
26. Oh Baby
27. You Bug Me, Baby
28. The Dummy
29. Slow Down
30. Slow Down
31. Should I Laugh Or Should I Cry
32. Zing Zing
33. Lawdy Miss Clawdy
34. I Was A Fool To Let You Go
35. Baby's Crazy
36. Baby's Crazy aka Marie Marie
37. Make A Little Love
38. Little School Girl
39. Dizzy Miss Lizzy
40. Heeby Jeebies
41. Hocus Pocus
42. Took A Trip
43. Jelly Belly Nellie
44. Bad Boy
45. Bad Boy
46. Heeby Jeebies
47. Evidently You Don't Love Me

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