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Larry Williams - The Astonishing........Larry Williams! (Remastered) '2022

The Astonishing........Larry Williams! (Remastered)
ArtistLarry Williams Related artists
Album name The Astonishing........Larry Williams! (Remastered)
Date 2022
GenreRhythm & Blues
Play time 50:54
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 262; 846 MB
PriceDownload $6.95
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Tracks list

       A rough, rowdy rock & roll singer, Larry Williams had several hits in the
late '50s, several of which — "Bony Maroney," "Dizzy, Miss Lizzy," "Short
Fat Fannie," "Bad Boy," "She Said Yeah" — became genuine rock & roll
classics and were recorded by British Invasion groups; John Lennon, in
particular, was a fan of Williams, recording several of his songs over the
course of his career.

1.01 - Larry Williams - Short Fat Fannie (Remastered) (2:24)
1.02 - Larry Williams - Baby's Crazy (Remastered) (2:34)
1.03 - Larry Williams - Dizzy Miss Lizzie (Remastered) (2:12)
1.04 - Larry Williams - Lawdy Miss Clawdy (Remastered) (2:12)
1.05 - Larry Williams - Slow Down (Remastered) (2:45)
1.06 - Larry Williams - I Was A Fool To Let You Go (Remastered) (3:01)
1.07 - Larry Williams - You Bug Me Baby (Remastered) (1:54)
1.08 - Larry Williams - Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie 'Flu
(Remastered) (2:16)
1.09 - Larry Williams - She Said 'Yeah' (Remastered) (1:52)
1.10 - Larry Williams - Hootchy-Koo (Remastered) (2:39)
1.11 - Larry Williams - Bony Moronie (Remastered) (3:04)
1.12 - Larry Williams - Little School Girl (Remastered) (1:54)
1.13 - Larry Williams - Just Because (Remastered) (2:48)
1.14 - Larry Williams - Hocus Pocus (Remastered) (2:00)
1.15 - Larry Williams - Took A Trip (Remastered) (2:03)
1.16 - Larry Williams - Jelly Belly Nellie (Remastered) (2:00)
1.17 - Larry Williams - Make A Little Love (Remastered) (2:02)
1.18 - Larry Williams - Peaches And Cream (Remastered) (2:01)
1.19 - Larry Williams - Oh Babe (Remastered) (2:10)
1.20 - Larry Williams - Zing Zing (Remastered) (2:06)
1.21 - Larry Williams - The Dummy (Remastered) (2:38)
1.22 - Larry Williams - Bad Boy (Remastered) (2:18)