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Charlie Chaplin - Sound System (Expanded Version) '2024

Sound System (Expanded Version)
ArtistCharlie Chaplin Related artists
Album name Sound System (Expanded Version)
Date 2024
Play time 01:01:14
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 856 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 389.21 Mb
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  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. rose to prominence in the early '80s during the first years of the dancehall era. In contrast to the '70s roots reggae period, with its decidedly spiritual and cultural world view, dancehall music reflected the secular world of clubs and sound system dances — the earlier cultural bent remained, but decidedly secular and slack lyric matter came to dominate. This age-old contrast between human folly and religious salvation was first forecast in Jamaican music via the contrasting styles of the jazz and R&B-inspired ska and rocksteady of the '60s and the Rastafarian-centric roots period of the following decade; the two views have informed the music ever since, whether it's the almost comic slackness of early '90s ragga or the retro-rasta sentiment of late '90s bobo dread circles. Chaplin reflected this contrast in his own style: he embraced the modern dancehall rhythms, but — unlike many of his fellow DJs of the late '70s and early '80 — he focused on cultural lyrics instead of slack subject matter
2. Tracklist:
3. 1-1. We Hot
4. 1-2. Small Days
5. 1-3. Afraid of You
6. 1-4. Bounce, Pon We Corner
7. 1-5. Why the World Say So
8. 1-6. Screwface People
9. 1-7. Principle
10. 1-8. Tribute to Marvin Gaye
11. 1-9. Ginal
12. 1-10. International Robbery
13. 1-11. Yan Kee Skank aka Yankie Skank
14. 1-12. Chalice
15. 1-13. Face to Face
16. 1-14. Eden Ah Try
17. 1-15. Tell Me Why
18. 1-16. Drifting
19. 1-17. Hey Youthman

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