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Charlie Chaplin - A Woman of Paris (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '2018

A Woman of Paris (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistCharlie Chaplin Related artists
Album name A Woman of Paris (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 2018
Play time 1:21:03
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 188 / 301 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

A Woman of Paris is a feature-length American silent film that debuted in 1923.
The film, an atypical drama film for its creator, was written, directed,
produced and later scored by Charlie Chaplin. It is also known as A Woman of
Paris: A Drama of Fate.

01. Charlie Chaplin - A Woman of Paris / Melody in F
02. Charlie Chaplin - Nocturne / Suspense
03. Charlie Chaplin - Minor Melody
04. Charlie Chaplin - Shock
05. Charlie Chaplin - At the Station
06. Charlie Chaplin - Jean’s Reaction (Shock)
07. Charlie Chaplin - One Year Later in Paris (Restaurant Waltz)
08. Charlie Chaplin - Revel’s Music / Restaurant Waltz
09. Charlie Chaplin - Champagne Truffles (Restaurant Waltz)
10. Charlie Chaplin - Marie’s Apartment
11. Charlie Chaplin - Revel’s Business Office
12. Charlie Chaplin - Paulette Arrives (Marie’s Apartment)
13. Charlie Chaplin - Champagne
14. Charlie Chaplin - Bad News
15. Charlie Chaplin - That Evening (Latin Quarter)
16. Charlie Chaplin - Latin Quarter
17. Charlie Chaplin - Homespun
18. Charlie Chaplin - Nocturne / Latin Quarter
19. Charlie Chaplin - Cassette Waltz
20. Charlie Chaplin - Bad News / Revel’s Business Office
21. Charlie Chaplin - Painting Music (Fox Trot)
22. Charlie Chaplin - The Necklace Waltz
23. Charlie Chaplin - We Must Part (Bad News)
24. Charlie Chaplin - The Argument / Agitato / Shock
25. Charlie Chaplin - Revel’s Music / Champagne
26. Charlie Chaplin - Marie’s Apartment / Restaurant Waltz / Bad News
27. Charlie Chaplin - Massage Scene
28. Charlie Chaplin - Remorse and Despair (Shock)
29. Charlie Chaplin - Revel Waltz / Dramatique
30. Charlie Chaplin - Restaurant Waltz
31. Charlie Chaplin - Shock and Agitato / Shock Theme
32. Charlie Chaplin - At the Station / Minor Waltz Melody / Shock Theme
33. Charlie Chaplin - The Argument / Nocturne / Restaurant Waltz
34. Charlie Chaplin - A Woman of Paris

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