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Rupert Gregson-Williams - Dear Santa (Music from the Paramount+ Original Movie) '2024

Dear Santa (Music from the Paramount+ Original Movie)
ArtistRupert Gregson-Williams Related artists
Album name Dear Santa (Music from the Paramount+ Original Movie)
Date 2024
Play time 00:41:13
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1249 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 371.35 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Lakeshore Records will release the soundtrack album for the movie “Dear Santa,” available on Paramount+. The original music for the movie was written by composer , known for his work on films such as Aquaman and Wonder Woman. The movie “Dear Santa” directed by Bobby Farrelly presents a comedic story about a boy who unexpectedly comes face-to-face with an evil version of Santa Claus after sending his Christmas wish list with a typo
2. Tracklist:
3. 1-1. To Santa
4. 1-2. Satan Arrives
5. 1-3. Who Took Him
6. 1-4. Asking Emma
7. 1-5. Howard
8. 1-6. Three Days Before Christmas
9. 1-7. Merry Christmas
10. 1-8. You Summoned Me
11. 1-9. I Was Being Ironic
12. 1-10. It Was An Accident
13. 1-11. Here We Go
14. 1-12. Two Days Before Christmas
15. 1-13. The Real Deal
16. 1-14. Football With Gibby
17. 1-15. What'll It Be
18. 1-16. Sneaking Parents
19. 1-17. No Deal
20. 1-18. A Good Father
21. 1-19. Christmas Eve
22. 1-20. Let Me Get This Straight
23. 1-21. Go To Hell
24. 1-22. Dear Santa

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