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Jeff Beal - New York Etudes '2024

New York Etudes
ArtistJeff Beal Related artists
Album name New York Etudes
Date 2024
GenreClassical Piano
Play time 00:40:26
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1128 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 327.56 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 01. Riverside Revelations
3. 02. Sun Surrounds
4. 03. Invocation
5. 04. I'm With You
6. 05. Elation
7. 06. Gratitude
8. 07. Winter
9. 08. The More Things Change
10. 09. Come Down, Angel
11. 10. Corridors of Calm
12. Five-time Emmy-winning composer releases his album "New York Études" of piano music
13. Beal meticulously composed the New York Études at his Manhattan home in the months after he relocated to New York in 2021, resulting in ten works for solo piano that reveal Beal's mastery of composition, voice leading and harmony. Renowned for his extensive experience in composing for TV and film with credits including House of Cards, Monk, Blackfish and Pollock, these new works on the piano serve as a reintroduction to Beal's artistry and offer a new window into his work
14. Beyond deepening his work as a multifaceted composer, the New York Études are rooted in the highly personal. When Beal was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007, he began researching ways to combat its degenerative effects on motor skills and cognitive function, learning about the tremendous impact of piano playing on neuroplasticity, or the process of rewiring the brain around areas of damage. The New York Études are the organic result of his commitment to the betterment of his mind, body and soul in the face of chronic illness. "An added benefit I discovered while composing and practicing the Études", Beal says, "was the sense of calm and focus I experienced. I've become keenly aware of the importance of wellness rituals for all of us that promote good mental, spiritual and physical health."

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Jeff Beal

