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Jeff Beal - He Was A Quiet Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '2023

He Was A Quiet Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistJeff Beal Related artists
Album name He Was A Quiet Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 2023
Play time 48 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 625 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 214.96 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. is an American composer of music for film, television, recordings, and the concert hall. Highly regarded as a jazz instrumentalist and versatile composer, Beal creates music that often incorporates a synthesis of improvisatory and composed elements
2. He composed the score for the movie “He Was a Quiet Man”. This is a 2007 American black comedy drama film, written and directed by Frank Cappello. The film stars Christian Slater, Elisha Cuthbert, Jamison Jones, and William H. Macy
3. The soundtrack of the movie was released in 2023
4. 1.01 - - You Can Go In
5. 1.02 - - Origin Of The Species
6. 1.03 - - Bob's World
7. 1.04 - - Woman Of My Dreams
8. 1.05 - - All I Got In There
9. 1.06 - - The Shooting
10. 1.07 - - Caged Animal
11. 1.08 - - Bob The Hero
12. 1.09 - - Vice President Of Creative Thinking
13. 1.10 - - A Favor
14. 1.11 - - Home From The Hospital
15. 1.12 - - Shelby Shows Up
16. 1.13 - - The Plane, Boss
17. 1.14 - - Your Time Will Come
18. 1.15 - - The Hula Girl
19. 1.16 - - You're The One Bob
20. 1.17 - - The Bullet
21. 1.18 - - A Quiet Man

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Jeff Beal

