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Hank Snow - When Tragedy Struck '1959

When Tragedy Struck
ArtistHank Snow Related artists
Album name When Tragedy Struck
Date 1959
Play time 36 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 687 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 177.23 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. When Tragedy Struck was a concept album built around songs of sorrow -- life's devastating blows, including abandonment , the death of children , and the death of a pet , appear throughout the 11 songs here. That might make the album seem hopelessly downbeat -- and to be sure, there is a dark and serious tone to it -- but to call this a one-note album would be a mistake, and under-estimate the musical talent involved. The variation of sounds here, ranging from ballads to waltzes -- and ending with a jaunty rendition of "I'm Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail" -- provides more than enough interest to transcend the seeming limitations of mood. And what the differences in sound don't overcome, the sincerity of Snow's performances do. Indeed, few singers ever succeeded in making heartbreak so alluring within a country-pop context, as Snow gives voice to regret and sadness with a depth that can pull even the most jaded and cynical listener inside -- at the risk of engaging in stereotypes that are out-of-fashion, country people lived with the kinds of tragedies depicted here, but even jaded city people can resonate to Snow's portrayal of the emotions behind them here. The production by Chet Atkins, which includes gospel-style organ but also a healthy mix of guitars, is slick in the best mid-'50s Nashville countrypolitan style, but never loses sight of the roots of country and gospel. One of Snow's strongest albums -- and his earliest album to remain in print in the 21st century -- When Tragedy Struck still carries a lot of power more than a half-century after its release
2. Tracklist:
3. 1.01 - HANK SNOW - The Letter Edged In Black
4. 1.02 - HANK SNOW - Old Shep
5. 1.03 - HANK SNOW - The Prisoner's Prayer
6. 1.04 - HANK SNOW - A Drunkard's Child
7. 1.05 - HANK SNOW - Don't Make Me Go To Bed And I'll Be Good
8. 1.06 - HANK SNOW - The Convict And The Rose
9. 1.07 - HANK SNOW - Put My Little Shoes Away
10. 1.08 - HANK SNOW - Little Buddy
11. 1.09 - HANK SNOW - There's A Little Box Of Pine On The 7:29
12. 1.10 - HANK SNOW - Nobody's Child
13. 1.11 - HANK SNOW - I'm Here To Get My Baby Out Of Jail

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Hank Snow

