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Daniel Carter - After Life, Playfield Vol. 3 '2021

After Life, Playfield Vol. 3
ArtistDaniel Carter Related artists
Album name After Life, Playfield Vol. 3
Date 2021
Play time 30 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1516 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 330.72 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. As the conclusion album to PLAYFIELD’s three-album trilogy project, After Life, offers a retrospective. As the eight-part group reaches a denouement, they find themselves in the sound where “listening meets improvisation meets music-making,” focusing on spacious soundscapes and quiet, somber interludes. The trilogy was recorded outside in Brooklyn, on a chilly Autumn day, incorporating the architecture, the people, and the somber feeling of a pandemic in a singular city. Here, the musicians gesture towards something mysterious, sophisticated and earnest, towards a grieving city and its ever-forward motion. PLAYFIELD’s three albums will be offered online and in an exclusive, limited-edition CD pressing of 50
2. : Horns and Reeds
3. Luisa Muhr: Voice
4. Ayumi Ishito: Sax
5. Eric Plaks: Nord piano
6. Aron Namenwirth: Guitar
7. Yutaka Takahashi: Guitar
8. Zach Swanson: Bass
9. Jon Panikkar: Drums
10. Tracklist:
11. 1.01 - and Playfield featuring Jon Panikkar, Zach Swanson and Yutaka Takahashi - After Life, Playfield Vol. 3

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