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Daniel Carter - Sonar, Playfield Vol. 1 '2021

Sonar, Playfield Vol. 1
ArtistDaniel Carter Related artists
Album name Sonar, Playfield Vol. 1
Date 2021
Play time 28 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1452 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 301.88 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Sonar, the first volume from the debut three-album trilogy PLAYFIELD, offers the musical equivalency of a walk through New York, meandering through the city’s conflicts, unparalleled diversity and mutual harmony. After years of playing improvised shows in small clubs and smaller apartments from Brooklyn to Harlem, the pandemic brought spontaneous collaboration between diverse musicians to an abrupt, necessary halt. But as people ventured outside, joining up for street protests and live sidewalk concerts, the eight-part group that created these volumes emerged organically. Instigated by 577 Records’ founder , whose poetry is featured in each volume, PLAYFIELD Vol.1 glances at the music of possibility, from the shadows of systemic injustice and pandemic, to a city and an art form that remain electrifyingly resilient. PLAYFIELD’s three volumes will be offered as an exclusive, limited-edition CD, in an edition of 50
2. : Horns and Reeds
3. Luisa Muhr: Voice
4. Ayumi Ishito: Sax
5. Eric Plaks: Nord piano
6. Aron Namenwirth: Guitar
7. Yutaka Takahashi: Guitar
8. Zach Swanson: Bass
9. Jon Panikkar: Drums
10. Tracklist:
11. 1.01 - and Playfield featuring Luisa Muhr and Ayumi Ishito - Sonar, Playfield Vol. 1

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