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Steven Price - Fury '2016

ArtistSteven Price Related artists
Album name Fury
Date 2016
Play time 1:07:07
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 713 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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Steven Price was drawn to Fury in the script stages, sensing the power of the
characters and their plight, and how it portrays the heroism of World War II

Price comments, I sought to honor their bravery; to create a score that was
honest and true. At the same time, for a film accurately portraying mechanized
warfare, the score needed to be primal and guttural. We used armory and weaponry
as instruments to give a sense of a constant grinding forward whilst the
orchestra carried the emotion.

Price utilized actual World War II weaponry, including a .50 caliber machine
gun, along with a bag filled with dog tags, to create the industrial, treading
percussion sounds that echo the bombast of tank warfare. Price wrote parts of
the score with cellos and a small, intimate choir, to portray the inner angst
and bond between the war-torn soldiers. The choir motif was used for high-energy
battle scenes and calmer, as well as more introspective passages of the score, a
humanism element in a score that seeks to portray the harrowing mechanizations
of war.

01. Steven Price - April, 1945 (4:15)
02. Steven Price - The War Is Not Over (1:48)
03. Steven Price - Fury Drives Into Camp (1:51)
04. Steven Price - Refugees (2:42)
05. Steven Price - Ambush (2:07)
06. Steven Price - The Beetfield (7:59)
07. Steven Price - Airfight (3:05)
08. Steven Price - The Town Square (2:18)
09. Steven Price - The Apartment (0:59)
10. Steven Price - Emma (2:36)
11. Steven Price - Tiger Battle (6:18)
12. Steven Price - On The Lookout (3:04)
13. Steven Price - This Is My Home (3:43)
14. Steven Price - Machine (3:22)
15. Steven Price - Crossroads (8:06)
16. Steven Price - Still In This Fight (3:39)
17. Steven Price - Im Scared Too (3:46)
18. Steven Price - Wardaddy (2:39)
19. Steven Price - Norman (2:51)