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Steven Price - Dolphin Reef '2020

Dolphin Reef
ArtistSteven Price Related artists
Album name Dolphin Reef
Date 2020
Play time 1:08:04
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 162; 371 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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About Steven Price
Steven Price is a British film composer. He began his career as a music mixer
and engineer in 1996, working mostly for television programs. In 2002 he was
hired to be music editor on Peter Jackson’s second film in the Lord of
the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers. He continued as music editor for The Return
of the King in 2003, and by 2005 was at work on the film Batman Begins. He
finished out the decade as a music editor and guitarist, until he was hired as
the composer for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World in 2010. He also created innovative
soundtracks for Attack the Block in 2011 and The World’s End in 2013,
before achieving major success with his score for Gravity, also in 2013.

01. Everton Nelson - A Different Set of Rules (2:21)
02. Everton Nelson - Flook (3:32)
03. Everton Nelson - The Clam Shell Challenge (1:37)
04. Everton Nelson - Introducing the Dolphins (2:48)
05. Everton Nelson - The Nightmare of Mr. Mantis (2:34)
06. Everton Nelson - The Coral Clean Up Squad (3:39)
07. Everton Nelson - Safety in Numbers (2:14)
08. Everton Nelson - When They Meet It Is Magical (2:02)
09. Everton Nelson - There Is Unexpected Treasure Here (1:34)
10. Everton Nelson - Fine Sand Evacuation (2:22)
11. Everton Nelson - Get Off My Lawn (2:25)
12. Everton Nelson - The Great Contest Has Begun (3:16)
13. Everton Nelson - The Cleaning Station (1:45)
14. Everton Nelson - Strongest of the Humpbacks (2:44)
15. Everton Nelson - Ambush (4:09)
16. Everton Nelson - Lionfish in the Moonlight (4:03)
17. Everton Nelson - The Largest Breath of Air (4:54)
18. Everton Nelson - High Speed Hydroplaning (1:59)
19. Everton Nelson - A Very Special Trick (3:03)
20. Everton Nelson - Times of Crisis (5:47)
21. Everton Nelson - Echo Fires Up Another (2:50)
22. Everton Nelson - The Pulsating Blob of Death (2:09)
23. Everton Nelson - A Great Example (2:17)
24. Everton Nelson - Out to Sea (2:00)