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Aleksi Perälä - The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​​​.​​​​4 '2019

The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​​​.​​​​4
ArtistAleksi Perälä Related artists
Album name The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​​​.​​​​4
Date 2019
Play time 1:02:47
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 5375 Kbps / 192 kHz
Media WEB
Size 1.5 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list

The veteran Finnish artist is deeply inspired by a new musical tuning system,
which is also… well, its difficult to explain. Angus Finlayson attempts to
unlock the mysteries that are fuelling the best music of Aleksi Peräläs

01. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721267 (3:36)
02. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721277 (5:02)
03. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721287 (4:12)
04. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721297 (5:45)
05. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721307 (5:16)
06. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721317 (4:47)
07. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721327 (5:26)
08. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721337 (4:39)
09. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721347 (3:44)
10. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721357 (4:39)
11. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721367 (4:55)
12. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721377 (5:31)
13. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721387 (5:16)

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Aleksi Perälä
