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Aleksi Perälä - The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​.​​2 '2019

The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​.​​2
ArtistAleksi Perälä Related artists
Album name The Colundi Sequence Level 17​​.​​2
Date 2019
Play time 51:15 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 5375 Kbps / 192 kHz
Media WEB
Size 1.42 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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The artist fka Ovuca works around jacking and raving techno patterns within the
Colundi Sequence tuning framework for one of the series’ strongest

Recalling everything from Mika Vainio’s early Ø classics to vintage
AFX and Mike Dred’s Kosmik Kommandos, this is a super strong batch of
psychedelic dance music for the aerobic mystics. Proper tangy flavours for all
trippy ravers.

01. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721021
02. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721031
03. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721041
04. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721051
05. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721061
06. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721071
07. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721081
08. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721091
09. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721101
10. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721111
11. Aleksi Perälä - UK74R1721121

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