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Beatles, The - Uk Singles collection Vol, I '1992

Uk Singles collection Vol, I
ArtistBeatles, The Related artists
Album name Uk Singles collection Vol, I
Date 1992
Play time 00:59:31
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 329 Mb / 152 Mb
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


01. Leve me do (2:25)
02. P.S. I love you (2:06)
03. From me to you (2:00)
04. Thank you girl (2:06)
05. Please, please me (2:04)
06. Ask me why (2:28)
07. She loves you (2:23)
08. Ill get you (2:08)
09. I want to hold your hand (2:29)
10. This boy (2:16)
11. Cant buy me love (2:16)
12. You cant do that (2:38)
13. A hard days night (2:32)
14. Things we said today (2:39)
15. I feel fine (2:26)
16. Shes a women (3:05)
17. Ticket to ride (3:07)
18. Yes it is (2:43)
19. Help! (2:22)
20. Im down (2:37)
21. We can work it out (2:18)
22. Day tripper (2:54)
23. Paperbarck writer (2:29)
24. Rain (3:00)

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