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Beatles, The - Revolving '2004

ArtistBeatles, The Related artists
Album name Revolving
Date 2004
GenrePop Rock
Play time 2CD (00:52:41 + 00:59:37)
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 603 / 286 Mb (Full Scans)
PriceDownload $4.95
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Tracks list

Track List CD1 - A "Revolver" Sessionography:

"Revolver" Era Demos
01. He said he said (Home Tape 1) [0:23]
02. He said he said (Home Tape 2) [0:36]
03. He said he said (Home Tape 3) [0:11]
04. He said he said (Home Tape 4) [0:48]
05. She said She said (Home Tape 1) [0:18]
06. She said She said (Home Tape 2) [0:22]
07. She said She said (Home Tape 3) [1:03]
"Revolver" Era Sessions
08. Tomorrow never knows (take 1 RS'95) [3:20]
09. Got to get you into my life (take 5 RM'95) [2:53]
10. Got to get you into my life (partial take 5 RM'95 b) [0:25]
11. Paperback writer (take 1) [1:02]
12. Paperback writer (take 2) [3:01]
13. And your bird can sing (take 2) [2:14]
14. And your bird can sing (stereo take 2 RS'95) [2:16]
15. Taxman (take 11 RS'95) [2:35]
16. Eleanor Rigby - strings only (take 14 RS'95) [2:09]
17. I'm only sleeping - rehearsal (remake RM'95) [0:43]
18. I'm only sleeping (take 1 remake RM'95) [3:02]
19. For no one (take 1, monitor mix) [1:44]
20. For no one (take 2, monitor mix) [1:28]
21. For no one (take 10, composite monitor mix) [2:13]
22. For no one (take 14, composite monitor mix) [2:04]
23. Yellow submarine  (take 5, RS'95) [2:49]
24. Here there and everywhere (edit of takes 7/14 RS'95) [2:25]
25. Here there and everywhere (take 14 composite monitor mix) [2:32]
The Raw Monitor Mixes
26. For no one (take 10, monitor mix 1) [2:03]
27. For no one (take 10, monitor mix 2) [2:17]
28. For no one (take 10, monitor mix 3) [1:32]
29. For no one (take 14, monitor mix) [1:59]
30. Here there and everywhere (take 14 monitor mix) [2:30]

Track List CD2 - A "Revolver" Mixography:

The Mono "Revolver" Album
01. Taxman (take 12 RMS/6) [2:47]
02. Eleanor Rigby (take 15 RMS) [2:11]
03. I'm only sleeping (take 13 RMS) [3:05]
04. Love you to (take 7 RM5) [3:11]
05. Here, there and everywhere (take 14 RM3) [2:27]
06. Yellow submarine (take 5 RM5) [2:44]
07. She said, she said (take 4 RM4) [2:41]
08. Good day sunshine (take 1 RM7) [2:14]
09. And your bird can sing (edit of takes 10/6, RM9/10) [2:06]
10. For no one (take 14 RM8) [2:05]
11. Doctor Robert (take 7 RM 6) [2:18]
12. I want to tell you (take 4 RM1) [2:32]
13. Got to get you into my life (take 9 RM8) [2:41]
14. Tomorrow never knows (take 3 RM8) [3:09]
Other "Revolver" Era Mono Mixes
15. Paperback writer (take 2 RM2) [2:29]
16. Rain (take 7 RM3) [3:02]
17. I'm only sleeping (take 13 RM5) [5:03]
18. And your bird can sing (edit of takes 10/6, RM7/8) [2:18]
19. Doctor Robert (take 7, RM4) [3:03]
20. Tomorrow never knows (take 3 RM11) [2:20]
Rare "Revolver" Era Stereo Mixes
21. Paperback writer (take 2 RS?) [3:01]
22. I'm only sleeping (take 13 RS1) [2:21]

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