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Kamasi Washington - The Proclamation '2007

The Proclamation
ArtistKamasi Washington Related artists
Album name The Proclamation
Date 2007
Play time 78:58
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 186 MB(+3\%)
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


01. The Conception (Washington) - 15:35
02. The Bombshells Waltz (Washington) - 12:01
03. Fair as Equal (Washington) - 8:32
04. Whacha Say (Washington) - 4:56
05. The Rhythm Changes (Washington) - 8:34
06. Lonely Woman (Coleman) - 11:19
07. Like Someone in Love (Burke-Van Heusen) - 7:06
08. Bobby Boom Bap (Washington) - 10:55

personnel : 

Kamasi Washington - tenor saxophone
Ryan Porter - trombone (#1-6,8)
Cameron Graves - piano (#2-5,8)
Brandon Coleman - keyboards (#1-5,7-8)
Miles Mosley - acoustic bass (#2-8)
Stephen Bruner - electric bass (#1,3,5)
Tony Austin (#1-2,4,6-7), Ronald Bruner (#3,5), Robert Miller (#8) - drums
Patrice Quinn - vocals (#1,3)

Kamasi Washington

