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Kamasi Washington - Light of the World '2008

Light of the World
ArtistKamasi Washington Related artists
Album name Light of the World
Date 2008
Play time 65:22
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 155 MB(+3\%)
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


01. Going Up Yonder (Hawkins) - 12:58
02. The Way, The Truth, and The Light (Washington-Coleman-Deal-Miller) - 3:48
03. Give Thanks (Smith) - 13:29
04. The Lords Prayer (Washington-Coleman-Deal-Miller-Porter-Mahni-Xan) - 4:27
05. Amazing Grace (Newton) - 9:04
06. Listen Closely (Washington) - 13:51
07. When I Think About Jesus (Brown) - 7:45

personnel : 

Kamasi Washington - tenor saxophone
Brandon Coleman - Rhodes
Robert Miller - drums
Jae Deal - bass
Ryan Porter - trombone (#4)
Mahni-Xan - vocals (#4)

Kamasi Washington

