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Trashmen, The - The Best Of The Trashmen '2022

The Best Of The Trashmen
ArtistTrashmen, The Related artists
Album name The Best Of The Trashmen
Date 2022
Genresurf rock
Play time 52:57
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 217; 319 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

       The Trashmen's defining moment, 1963's "Surfin' Bird," is perhaps the
ultimate lightning-in-a-bottle record. Their first true studio recording, it
captures the group's interminable energy and mastery of live performance. But it
also is the culmination of spirit and experiment that turned it into something
new and, from the perspective of 50 years, unique.
The sound wasn't one that you could build a career by repeating, but it hasn't
mattered; the swaggering performance has proven to be a confident, hustling
agent for the band and their history, leading the remaining members on tours all
over the world in recent years and gaining them repeated exposure on television
and in movies.
This collection shows them to be variously a first-rate surf band, a great
protopunk outfit, solid rockers with the raw essence of the earliest originators
of the sound, and adept enough to work in some comedy and country. This scope of
ability and interest is probably the true basis of the band's following now. But
"Surfin' Bird" has more tenacity than other bands' entire better-performing
catalogs, and with it, the Trashmen created a work that is arguably today the
most relevant release from that storied decade.

1.01 - The Trashmen - Surfin' Bird (2:24)
1.02 - The Trashmen - King of the Surf (2:28)
1.03 - The Trashmen - Tube City (3:21)
1.04 - The Trashmen - My Woodie (1:52)
1.05 - The Trashmen - Sleeper (2:32)
1.06 - The Trashmen - A-Bone (2:08)
1.07 - The Trashmen - Bird Dance Beat (2:07)
1.08 - The Trashmen - True Love (3:18)
1.09 - The Trashmen - Bad News (2:18)
1.10 - The Trashmen - Malaguena (2:32)
1.11 - The Trashmen - Ghost Riders in the Sky (2:44)
1.12 - The Trashmen - Whoa Dad! (2:46)
1.13 - The Trashmen - Ubangi Stomp (2:26)
1.14 - The Trashmen - Walkin' My Baby (2:25)
1.15 - The Trashmen - Bird Bath (2:35)
1.16 - The Trashmen - Reelin' & Rockin' (3:19)
1.17 - The Trashmen - Baja (2:10)
1.18 - The Trashmen - Heartbeat (1:44)
1.19 - The Trashmen - Mashed Potatoes (Live) (3:03)
1.20 - The Trashmen - Think It Over (2:03)
1.21 - The Trashmen - Peppermint Man (2:42) 

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