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TRASHMEN, The - Surfin' Bird [Bonus Tracks] '2016/1964

Surfin' Bird [Bonus Tracks]
ArtistTRASHMEN, The Related artists
Album name Surfin' Bird [Bonus Tracks]
Date 2016/1964
GenreGarage Rock
Play time 00:55:04
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 210 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

       Hailing from the wintry heartland of Minneapolis, the Trashmen achieved
cult immortality with a passel of landlocked surf anthems and reckless
garage-rock gems, best exemplified by their immortal anthem "Surfin' Bird," two
and a half minutes of inspired, unhinged mayhem that's never been equaled. But
"Surfin' Bird" is just the tip of the iceberg of the 1964 album that bears the
song's name. The only longplayer that the band released during their original
lifespan, Surfin' Bird demonstrates that the Trashmen were no novelty act or
one-hit wonder, but a brilliant, original outfit who filtered their R&B and surf
influences through their own cheerfully demented sensibility to make some of
their era's most reckless, uninhibited rock 'n' roll.

1-1. The Trashmen - SURFIN’ BIRD (02:26)
1-2. The Trashmen - MISIRLOU (02:10)
1-3. The Trashmen - MONEY (03:14)
1-4. The Trashmen - TUBE CITY (03:24)
1-5. The Trashmen - KUK (02:06)
1-6. The Trashmen - IT’S SO EASY (02:06)
1-7. The Trashmen - KING OF THE SURF (02:32)
1-8. The Trashmen - HENRIETTA (02:38)
1-9. The Trashmen - MALAGUENA (02:37)
1-10. The Trashmen - MY WOODIE (01:56)
1-11. The Trashmen - BIRD BATH (02:38)
1-12. The Trashmen - THE SLEEPER (02:36)
1-13. The Trashmen - BIRD DANCE BEAT (02:13)
1-14. The Trashmen - A-BONE (02:10)
1-15. The Trashmen - BAD NEWS (02:21)
1-16. The Trashmen - ON THE MOVE (02:37)
1-17. The Trashmen - PEPPERMINT MAN (02:45)
1-18. The Trashmen - NEW GENERATION (02:05)
1-19. The Trashmen - WHOA DAD! (02:49)
1-20. The Trashmen - WALKIN’ MY BABY (02:29)
1-21. The Trashmen - DANCIN’ WITH SANTA (02:32)
1-22. The Trashmen - REAL LIVE DOLL (02:40) 

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