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Alessandro Alessandroni - Guitar Fantasy '2023

Guitar Fantasy
ArtistAlessandro Alessandroni Related artists
Album name Guitar Fantasy
Date 2023
Genreeasy listening
Play time 40 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 226 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

Mediterranean scents, languid sunsets, and entrancing musings: the splendid
arpeggios of 'Guitar Fantasy', by Italian library music maestro Alessandro
Alessandroni, unveil a tapestry of ethereal sonic spaces.
In these fourteen previously unreleased tracks, Alessandroni showcases his
brilliance as a classical guitarist, crafting miniature emotional canvases
imbued with tranquility and delicate passion ('Guitar Fantasy,' 'Little Fog,'
'The Long Road'), vespertine compositions propelled by the subtle rhythms of
South America ('Samba De Amor'), and sinuous exotic breezes ('Green Valley').
With an effortless touch, Alessandroni once again demonstrates his technical
skill and imaginative prowess as a painter of sonic frescoes, graciously
inviting us to immerse ourselves in the captivating vistas of dreamlike inner

1.01 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Guitar Fantasy (3:51)
1.02 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Green Valley (2:49)
1.03 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Hesitation (2:27)
1.04 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Blue Hill (2:38)
1.05 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Little Fog (2:46)
1.06 - Alessandro Alessandroni - The Long Road (2:58)
1.07 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Classic Rose (3:00)
1.08 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Samba De Amor (2:34)
1.09 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Beau Rivage (2:42)
1.10 - Alessandro Alessandroni - White Mountains (2:32)
1.11 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Yellow River (3:09)
1.12 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Love Conversation (3:14)
1.13 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Emerald Lake (2:32)
1.14 - Alessandro Alessandroni - Nightfall (3:12)

Alessandro Alessandroni
