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Various Artists - The Godfather III / Крестный отец 3 OST '1990

The Godfather III / Крестный отец 3 OST
Artist Various Artists Related artists
Album name The Godfather III / Крестный отец 3 OST
Date 1990
Play time 00:54:25
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 680 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 270.39 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Main Title - Main Title
2. The Godfather Waltz - The Godfather Waltz
3. Marcia Religioso - Marcia Religioso
4. Michael's Letter - Michael's Letter
5. The Immigrant - The Immigrant
6. The Godfather Waltz - The Godfather Waltz
7. To Each His Own - To Each His Own
8. Vincent's Theme - Vincent's Theme
9. Altobello - Altobello
10. The Godfather Intermezzo - The Godfather Intermezzo
11. Sicilian Medley: Va Pensiero, Danza Tarantella, Mazurka - Sicilian Medley: Va Pensiero, Danza Tarantella, Mazurka
12. Promise Me You'll Remember - Promise Me You'll Remember
13. Preludio And Siciliana - Preludio And Siciliana
14. A Casa Amiche - A Casa Amiche
15. Preghiera - Preghiera
16. Finale - Finale
17. Coda: The Godfather Finale - Coda: The Godfather Finale

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