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Various Artists - Hollywood, Mon Amour '2008

Hollywood, Mon Amour
Artist Various Artists Related artists
Album name Hollywood, Mon Amour
Date 2008
Play time 01:01:09
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 872 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 389.77 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Marc Collin - Call me
2. Marc Collin - Eye of the tiger
3. Marc Collin - When doves cry
4. Marc Collin - Cat people
5. Marc Collin - A vieuw to a kill
6. Marc Collin - Flashdance... what a feeling
7. Marc Collin - Footlose
8. Marc Collin - This is not America
9. Marc Collin - Arthur's theme
10. Marc Collin - Reality
11. Marc Collin - Forbidden colours
12. Marc Collin - For your eyes only
13. Marc Collin - Don't you
14. Marc Collin - Take my breathe away
15. Marc Collin - Together in electric dreams
16. Marc Collin - It's wrong for me to love you
17. Marc Collin - Call me
18. Marc Collin - Eye of the tiger
19. Marc Collin - When doves cry
20. Marc Collin - Cat people
21. Marc Collin - A vieuw to a kill
22. Marc Collin - Flashdance... what a feeling
23. Marc Collin - Footlose
24. Marc Collin - This is not America
25. Marc Collin - Arthur's theme
26. Marc Collin - Reality
27. Marc Collin - Forbidden colours
28. Marc Collin - For your eyes only
29. Marc Collin - Don't you
30. Marc Collin - Take my breathe away
31. Marc Collin - Together in electric dreams
32. Marc Collin - It's wrong for me to love you

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