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Various Artists - Telarc Classic Celebrating 25 Years (CD2) '2002

Telarc Classic Celebrating 25 Years (CD2)
Artist Various Artists Related artists
Album name Telarc Classic Celebrating 25 Years (CD2)
Date 2002
Play time 01:16:43
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 597 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 328.94 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Straus-Also sprach Zarathustra - Straus-Also sprach Zarathustra
2. Rachmaninoff-Vespers: Rejoice, O Virgin - Rachmaninoff-Vespers: Rejoice, O Virgin
3. Wagner-Das Rheingold: Ride of the Valkyries - Wagner-Das Rheingold: Ride of the Valkyries
4. Gabrieli-Canzon septimin toni No. 2 - Gabrieli-Canzon septimin toni No. 2
5. Bernstein-The Magnificent Seven - Bernstein-The Magnificent Seven
6. P.D.Q.Bach-Oedipus Tex:'Howdy There' - P.D.Q.Bach-Oedipus Tex:'Howdy There'
7. Mozart-The Magic Flute:'Ach, ich Fuhl's' - Mozart-The Magic Flute:'Ach, ich Fuhl's'
8. Handel-Messiah: 'And He shall purify' - Handel-Messiah: 'And He shall purify'
9. Gilbert-The Pirates of Penzance:'I am the very model of a modern Major-General' - Gilbert-The Pirates of Penzance:'I am the very model of a modern Major-General'
10. Respighi-Church Windows: St. Michael the Archangel - Respighi-Church Windows: St. Michael the Archangel
11. Debussy-La fille aux cheveux de lin - Debussy-La fille aux cheveux de lin
12. Ravel-Daphnis et Chloe: Scene 3 - Ravel-Daphnis et Chloe: Scene 3
13. Rachmaninoff-Sonata No. 2, Mvt. 2 - Rachmaninoff-Sonata No. 2, Mvt. 2
14. Beethoven-Quartet in A minor, Mvt. 5 - Beethoven-Quartet in A minor, Mvt. 5
15. Rimsky-Korsakov-Scheherazade - Rimsky-Korsakov-Scheherazade
16. Albeniz-Suite espanola, Asturias - Albeniz-Suite espanola, Asturias
17. Orff-Carmina Buruna: In tabema quando sumus - Orff-Carmina Buruna: In tabema quando sumus
18. Mahler-Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4 - Mahler-Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4
19. Sibelius-Symphony No. 2, Mvt. 4 - Sibelius-Symphony No. 2, Mvt. 4
20. Shaker Hymn Tune: Simple Gifts - Shaker Hymn Tune: Simple Gifts

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