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Ventures, The - Going To The Ventures Dance Party! (Remastered) '2020

Going To The Ventures Dance Party! (Remastered)
ArtistVentures, The Related artists
Album name Going To The Ventures Dance Party! (Remastered)
Date 2020
Play time 48:13
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 306; 979 MB
PriceDownload $7.95
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Probably the most prolific group of all time, with more than two hundred albums
to their credit, The Ventures could have been forgiven if the standard dropped
occasionally. Fortunately, Going To The Ventures Dance Party is one of their
better albums, due in no small part to the virtuosity of drummer Mel Taylor. It
is he that provides much of the album with its drive, but he seldom dominates
the proceedings. Instead, he keeps beat like his life depends upon it and
compliments the lead guitar and other instruments to perfection. In light of
this, the album deserved much more attention than it received upon its original
release, peaking at a lowly #90 on the Billboard album chart.

Going to the Ventures Dance Party! er det åttande studioalbumet til den
amerikanske instrumentale rockegruppa The Ventures og det fjerde som kom ut i
1962. Det vart utgjeve 24. november 1962 på Dolton Records. Albumet nådde
93. plassen på Billboard Top 200-lista.

01. The Ventures - Lucille (Remastered) (2:15)
02. The Ventures - Gravy (For my Mashed Potatoes) (Remastered) (1:58)
03. The Ventures - Hernandos Hideaway (Remastered) (2:22)
04. The Ventures - Mashed Potato Time (Remastered) (2:05)
05. The Ventures - Summertime (Remastered) (2:35)
06. The Ventures - Hot Summer (Asian Mashed) (Remastered) (2:17)
07. The Ventures - Poison Ivy (Remastered) (2:52)
08. The Ventures - The Wah-Watusi (Remastered) (2:19)
09. The Ventures - Instant Mashed (Remastered) (2:16)
10. The Ventures - Scratch (Remastered) (2:21)
11. The Ventures - Hully Gully (Baby) (Remastered) (2:20)
12. The Ventures - Spudnik (Remastered) (2:27)
13. The Ventures - Mr. Moto (Remastered) (2:04)
14. The Ventures - Theme from Come September (Remastered) (2:33)
15. The Ventures - Ya-Ya Wobble (Remastered) (1:57)
16. The Ventures - Night Drive (Remastered) (2:18)
17. The Ventures - Venus (Remastered) (2:07)
18. The Ventures - The Intruder (Remastered) (2:26)
19. The Ventures - Gandy Dancer (Remastered) (2:08)
20. The Ventures - Sweet and Lovely (Remastered) (2:42)
21. The Ventures - Limbo Rock (Remastered) (1:52)

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