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Ventures, The - Go With the Ventures , Batman Theme '1996

Go With the Ventures , Batman Theme
ArtistVentures, The Related artists
Album name Go With the Ventures , Batman Theme
Date 1996
Play time 01:05:24
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 325 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

One Way reissued two albums the Ventures cut in 1966, Go with the Ventures and
The Batman Theme, on a single disc in 1996. Like many Ventures albums, the
records are quite uneven, filled with competent covers of familiar rock and pop
hits of the era, which are all given the familiar, reverb-heavy Ventures
treatment. Since the band were professionals, each song is well-performed, but
certain songs -- such as the Byrds soaring psychedelic opus Eight Miles High, or
even the hippie folk-rock of the Mama & the Papas Monday, Monday, both from Go
-- arent suited for the spare, echoey Ventures sound. The Batman Theme is a
better record than Go, since the TV themes and spy songs are better suited for
the bands arrangements, as their minor hit version of Secret Agent Man proves,
but the group cant sustain momentum throughout the course of the record.
Although both records are uneven, they offer a few highlights, but those
highlights are minor, more suited to hardcore fans than casual listeners. One
Way could have spent a little more time on the packaging and remastering this
set, but the end product remains worthwhile for the dedicated. 


Go With The Ventures (1966)
01. Green Grass 01:54
02. Ginza Lights 02:07
03. These Boots Are Made for Walkin 02:34
04. Frankie and Johnny 02:27
05. Ad-Venture 02:13
06. Monday, Monday 02:46
07. Good Lovin 02:34
08. Eight Miles High 02:50
09. Escape 02:22
10. Sloop John B 02:33
11. Go 02:00
12. California Dreamin 02:36
Batman Theme (1966)
13. Batman Theme 02:17
14. Zocko! 02:05
15. Jokens Wild 02:21
16. The Cape 02:25
17. 00-711 02:20
18. The Man From U.N.C.L..E. 01:50
19. Secret Agent Man 02:07
20. Hot Line 02:15
21. Vampcamp 02:11
22. Up, Up, and Away 02:08
23. Get Smart Theme 02:28
24. Green Hornet 66 02:03
Bonus Tracks:
25. Skylab 02:45
26. Arabesque 02:31
27. Superstar Revue (disco version) 04:29 

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