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Ventures, The - Twist With The Ventures (Remastered) '2020

Twist With The Ventures (Remastered)
ArtistVentures, The Related artists
Album name Twist With The Ventures (Remastered)
Date 2020
GenreSurf rock
Play time 51:38
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 302; 991 MB
PriceDownload $7.95
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Twist with the Ventures is the fifth studio album by the band The Ventures;
released in 1962 on Dolton Records BST 8010 (stereo) and BLP 2010 (monaural). It
consists mostly of instrumental versions of popular dance tunes from the late
1950s to early 1960s, with a couple of original compositions. It was on the
charts for 29 weeks and it peaked at # 24 on the Billboard 200. It was later
retitled Dance! with new album cover. During the recording of this album,
original drummer Howie Johnson left the band and was replaced by Mel Taylor,
thus forming the classic Ventures lineup. Therefore, the drum credit(s) are
shared on this album between both Johnson and Taylor.

01. The Ventures - Driving Guitars (Ventures Twist) (Remastered) (1:57)
02. The Ventures - The Twist (Remastered) (1:46)
03. The Ventures - Road Runner (Remastered) (2:29)
04. The Ventures - Gringo (Remastered) (2:34)
05. The Ventures - Moon Dawg (Remastered) (2:21)
06. The Ventures - Guitar Twist (Remastered) (2:22)
07. The Ventures - Opus Twist (Remastered) (1:50)
08. The Ventures - Movin & Groovin (Remastered) (2:06)
09. The Ventures - Sunny Again (Remastered) (2:10)
10. The Ventures - Lets Twist Again (Remastered) (2:17)
11. The Ventures - Shanghied (Remastered) (1:39)
12. The Ventures - Bumble Bee Twist (Remastered) (2:20)
13. The Ventures - My Bonnie (Remastered) (1:51)
14. The Ventures - Twisted (Remastered) (2:18)
15. The Ventures - The Twomp (Remastered) (2:22)
16. The Ventures - Besame Mucho (Remastered) (2:10)
17. The Ventures - Blue Tail Fly (Remastered) (1:54)
18. The Ventures - Swanee River Twist (Remastered) (2:08)
19. The Ventures - Instant Guitars (Remastered) (1:54)
20. The Ventures - Dark Eyes Twist (Remastered) (2:19)
21. The Ventures - Counterpoint (Remastered) (2:17)
22. The Ventures - Kicking Around (Remastered) (2:09)
23. The Ventures - Bluebird (Remastered) (2:23)
24. The Ventures - Red Wing Twist (Remastered) (2:04)

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