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Various Artists - Kalevala - A Finnish Progressive Rock Epic '2003

Kalevala - A Finnish Progressive Rock Epic
ArtistVarious Artists Related artists
Album name Kalevala - A Finnish Progressive Rock Epic
Date 2003
GenreProgressive Rock
Play time 03:58:05
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1081 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1640.25 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 1
1. HAIKARA - the creation/the sowing
2. OVERHEAD - wainamoinen and youkahainen/the fate of aino
3. SIMON SAYS - som floden flyter (as the river runs)
4. SINKADUS - trubadurens kval (the ministrel's cry)
5. MOONGARDEN - maiden of the bow
6. CASTELLO DI ATLANTE - ilmarinen forges the sampo
7. MAGENTA - lemminkainen's lament
8. SUBMARINE SILENCE - the three battles
9. METAPHOR - raking the bones
10. CLEARLIGHT - the boat builder/searching for the lost word
CD 2
1. HAIKARA - the creation/the sowing
2. OVERHEAD - wainamoinen and youkahainen/the fate of aino
3. SIMON SAYS - som floden flyter (as the river runs)
4. SINKADUS - trubadurens kval (the ministrel's cry)
5. MOONGARDEN - maiden of the bow
6. CASTELLO DI ATLANTE - ilmarinen forges the sampo
7. MAGENTA - lemminkainen's lament
8. SUBMARINE SILENCE - the three battles
9. METAPHOR - raking the bones
10. CLEARLIGHT - the boat builder/searching for the lost word
CD 3
1. ORCHARD - 3
2. GREENWALL - the wedding
3. REVELATION - uninvited guest
4. SCARLET THREAD - pime?sta pohjolasta
5. MAD CRAYON - il suono dei ricordi (the sound of memories)
6. MUSEO ROSENBACH - fiore di vendetta (the flower of revenge)
7. LEVIATHAN - filo di lama (edge of a blade)
8. MALIBRAN - strani colori (strange colors)
9. SOFIA BACCINI - malvagio per le stelle (mean because of the stars)
10. ELEGANT SIMPLICITY - ilmarinen's bride of gold
CD 4
1. ORCHARD - 3
2. GREENWALL - the wedding
3. REVELATION - uninvited guest
4. SCARLET THREAD - pime?sta pohjolasta
5. MAD CRAYON - il suono dei ricordi (the sound of memories)
6. MUSEO ROSENBACH - fiore di vendetta (the flower of revenge)
7. LEVIATHAN - filo di lama (edge of a blade)
8. MALIBRAN - strani colori (strange colors)
9. SOFIA BACCINI - malvagio per le stelle (mean because of the stars)
10. ELEGANT SIMPLICITY - ilmarinen's bride of gold
CD 5
1. QADESH - ilmarinen's fruitless wooing
2. CANTINA SOCIALE - kantele
3. GRAND STAND - stormen (tempest)
4. GERMINALE - la battaglia per il sampo (the battle for the sampo)
5. AADVARK - uusi kantele (new kantele)
6. THONK - kappitu 45/46 (chapter 45/46)
7. GROOVECTOR - tuletta (fireless)
8. WHOBODIES - pine
9. RANDONE & TEMPORE - runo 49
10. CAFE?NE - way is open
CD 6
1. QADESH - ilmarinen's fruitless wooing
2. CANTINA SOCIALE - kantele
3. GRAND STAND - stormen (tempest)
4. GERMINALE - la battaglia per il sampo (the battle for the sampo)
5. AADVARK - uusi kantele (new kantele)
6. THONK - kappitu 45/46 (chapter 45/46)
7. GROOVECTOR - tuletta (fireless)
8. WHOBODIES - pine
9. RANDONE & TEMPORE - runo 49
10. CAFE?NE - way is open

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