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Various Artists - Original Cast Recordings: Leonard Sillman’s “New Faces of 1952” [JASCD126] '2003

Original Cast Recordings: Leonard Sillman’s “New Faces of 1952” [JASCD126]
ArtistVarious Artists Related artists
Album name Original Cast Recordings: Leonard Sillman’s “New Faces of 1952” [JASCD126]
Date 2003
GenreVocal Jazz,Pop,Soundtracks
Play time 49:30
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 141 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

 1. Ronny Graham/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Eartha Kitt - Act
I: Opening (2:13)
 2. Robert Clary/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Rosemary O'
Reilly/Patricia Hammerlee/Bill Mullikin/Virginia deLuce/Eartha Kitt - Act I:
Lucky Pierre (3:20)
 3. Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Alice Ghostly/Virginia De
Luce/Eartha Kitt - Act I: "He Takes Me Off His Income Tax"(excerpt) / Boston
Beguine (feat. Virginia de Luce) (4:45)
 4. Robert Clary/Rosemary O'Reilly/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company &
Chrus/June Carroll/Eartha Kitt - Act I: Love Is a Simple Thing (5:08)
 5. Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Allice Ghostley/Joe
Lautner/Virginia De Luce/Eartha Kitt/Virginia Bosler/Bill Mullikin/Allen Conroy
- Act I: He Takes Me Off His Income Tax (excerpt) / Nanty Puts Her Hair Up
(feat. Virginia de Luce, Virginia Bosler, Bill Mullikin, (4:44)
 6. Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/June Carroll/Eartha Kitt - Act
I: Guess Who I Saw Today (2:22)
 7. Eartha Kitt/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus - Act I: Bal Petit
Bal (3:00)
 8. Robert Clary/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Rosemary O'
Reilly/Alice Ghostley/Ronnie Graham/Joe Lautner/Eartha Kitt - Act I: Medley:
Raining Memories / Waltzing in Venice / Take Off the Mask ("Three for the Road"
Medley) (5:24)
 9. Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/June Carroll/Eartha Kitt - Act
II: Penny Candy (3:29)
10. Rosemary O'Reilly/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Eartha Kitt -
Don't Fall Asleep (2:14)
11. Robert Clary/Rosemary O'Reilly/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company &
Chrus/Joe Lautner/Virginia De Luce/Eartha Kitt - He Takes Me Off His Income Tax
(excerpt) / I'm in Love With Miss Logan (feat. Virginia de Luce) (3:57)
12. Eartha Kitt/Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus - Monotonous (3:49)
13. Original "New Faces of 1952" Company & Chrus/Paul Lynde/Patricia
Hammerlee/Bill Mullikin/Joe Lautner/Eartha Kitt - Lizzie Borden (4:59)

[Quote]By the time Leonard Sillman’s New Faces of 1952 opened on Broadway
he had been presenting these shows for nearly two decades. Just as the theatre &
Broadway critics were deciding that the 1951 - 1952 theatrical season was the
dullest in years, New Faces of 1952 " bounded into town" ( Kerr, Herald Tribune
) and proved again that " good revues are about as delightful as anything the
stage has to offer " (Atkinson, Times ). Mr Kerr also reported the show was " a
good-looking, fast moving, intimate revue with a tremendous polish on it ", and
Mr. Atkinson found it " one of the pleasantest events of the year ". As the
other critics fell in line in their reviews, the customers fell in line at the
box office. Leonard Sillman had a hit on his hands which was later became an
equally successful film musical. [/Quote]

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