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Various Artists - Dig Up!60's Pop Girls in Europe '2023

Dig Up!60's Pop Girls in Europe
ArtistVarious Artists Related artists
Album name Dig Up!60's Pop Girls in Europe
Date 2023
Play time 01:03:20
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 345 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

       The highly anticipated second installment, following the previous work
that recorded strong sales, features 25 songs that were released domestically at
the time. The collection includes French/Yé-yé girls like Sylvie Vartan,
France Gall, and Marjorie Noël; memorable Italian singers for real-time fans
such as Mina and Gigliola Cinquetti; and lesser-revisited artists like Marisol
and Danielle Denin.

1-01. Marisol - ME CONFORMO (02:51)
1-02. Marisol - AMOR & JUVENTUD (02:26)
1-03. Danielle Denin - POUPEES, BALLONS ET CHOCOLATS (02:41)
1-04. Marjorie Noël - NON DOCTEUR (02:04)
1-05. Sylvie Vartan - CAR TU T’EN VAS (02:45)
1-06. Sheila - TOUJOURS DES BEAUX JOURS (02:57)
1-07. Sheila - HELLO PETITE FILLE (01:58)
1-08. France Gall - BONSOIR JOHN-JOHN (02:15)
1-09. Chantal Goya - COMMENT LE REVOIR (02:04)
1-10. Chantal Kelly - C’EST TOUJOURS LA MEME CHANSON (02:21)
1-11. Marie Laforêt - COULE DOUX (02:25)
1-12. Marie Laforêt - MANCHESTER ET LIVERPOOL (02:23)
1-13. Annie Philippe - TCHAKABOUM (MON COEUR FAIT TCHAKABOUM) (02:15)
1-14. Madeleine Pascal - NE VOIS-TU PAS (02:31)
1-15. Patricia Carli - LA MARCHE DU BONHEUR (02:33)
1-16. Mireille Mathieu - LA DERNIÉRE VALSE (03:08)
1-17. Mina - PLEURER POUR TOI (02:21)
1-18. Louiselle - IL PONTILE (02:41)
1-19. Caterina Caselli - L’UOMO D’ORO (02:34)
1-20. Wilma Goich - IN UN FIORE (02:39)
1-21. Wilma Goich - ATTENTI ALL’AMORE (02:04)
1-22. Gigliola Cinquetti - NAPOLI, FORTUNA MIA (02:45)
1-23. Gigliola Cinquetti - DIO, COME TI AMO (03:18)
1-24. Gonnie Baars - SUGAR CANDY (02:43)
1-25. Vicky - SUNSHINE BOY (02:38) 

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