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Various Artists - Strictly MOD '1964/2024

Strictly MOD
ArtistVarious Artists Related artists
Album name Strictly MOD
Date 1964/2024
Play time 00:52:06
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 229 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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       The MOD scene evolved on the cusp of the sixties as Britain was emerging
from the postwar blues. Likeminded teenagers shrugged off the economic
depression and carved a place for themselves that was filled with good-times,
danceable rhythms, sharp suits and an air of elitism. And those rhythms –
immortalised here – were a heady, dazzling, mix of American R&B, jump
blues, jazzy lounge vibes and the feel-good, floor-shaking, sound of ska!

Mod has moved on since its early days, but the fact it has survived at all
suggests that at its heart was something special, something akin to a philosophy
that could and would last throughout decades and into the future. It has endured
and thrived with its cool, self-regard, unscathed and these choice cuts –
sounding every bit as urgent today – are testament to its longevity.

1-1. Moses Davis - For Dancers Only (02:52)
1-2. Jerry Fuller - The Killer (02:15)
1-3. Frances Faye - Comin' Home Baby (02:23)
1-4. The Dynamic 7 - Squeeze Me, Pt. 1 (02:26)
1-5. Buster Brown - Fannie Mae (02:58)
1-6. Homesick James - Crossroads (02:47)
1-7. WILBERT HARRISON - Kansas City (02:26)
1-8. Alton Ellis & The Flames - Dance Crasher (02:33)
1-9. Red Prysock - Groovy Sax (02:44)
1-10. Benny Spellman - Fortune Teller (02:27)
1-11. Alvin Cash & The Registers - Doin' The Ali Shuffle (02:26)
1-12. The Olympics - Secret Agents (02:27)
1-13. The Sharpees - Do The 45 (03:16)
1-14. Dee Clark - That's My Girl (02:35)
1-15. Robert Parker - Let's Go Baby (Where The Action Is) (02:25)
1-16. Desmond Dekker & The Four Aces - Get Up Adina (02:32)
1-17. Boot Hog Pefferly And The Loafers - I'm Not Going To Work Today (02:44)
1-18. Lee Dorsey - Ride Your Pony (02:56)
1-19. Betty Harris - 12 Red Roses (02:30)
1-20. The Chateaus - Moanin' (02:24) 

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