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VA - Goa Visions 2020 '2020

Goa Visions 2020
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Goa Visions 2020
Date 2020
GenrePsy/Goa Trance
Play time 3:12:01
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1,3 Gb
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


1. Neelix; Durs - All Around Us (3:45)
2. GHOST RIDER; Effective - Accession (Beat Herren Remix) (7:38)
3. Off Limits - Bassayo (Original Mix) (6:37)
4. Pitch Bend; Phazed - Zuma (5:23)
5. Ace Venture; Vertical Mode - Space of Awareness (Original Mix) (7:53)
6. Beat Bizarre - Contemplation (12:10)
7. Liquid Soul; Zyce; Solar Kid - Anjuna (Vegas Remix) (7:02)
8. Sundose - Sun Valley (7:19)
9. Symphonix - Body Effect (6:46)
10. Impact; Hyperflow - Collective (7:19)
11. Zyrus 7 - Dúlamán (Extended Mix) (6:30)
12. Si-Moon; Face to Face - Rockstar (6:06)
13. Some1 - Elation (7:18)
14. Hauul - Exodus (6:00)
15. Releasse - Conscious Reality (7:02)
16. The Freak Show - Lian (7:19)
17. Physis - Mirror (6:02)
18. Lifeforms - Delusions (Original Mix) (6:25)
19. Captain Hook - Space Tube 25 (Original Mix) (15:26)
20. Waveform; Aquafeel - Thousand Winds (6:56)
21. Shogan - Breath of Being (9:02)
22. Osher - Awakening (7:26)
23. Starseed; Sensescape - Pandemaniacs (Original Mix) (8:09)
24. Krama - My Generation (5:24)
25. Makida - Rakija (7:54)
26. Sonic Entity - Lakshmi (7:10)

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