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VA - Rise Tech House Selection Part 27 '2016

Rise Tech House Selection Part 27
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Rise Tech House Selection Part 27
Date 2016
GenreTech House
Play time 01:43:21
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 237 mb
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

1. Thallulah, William Medagli, Jose Maria Ramon & Gelax Key - City Groove
2. Marcus Sur - The Cache Machine (David Keno remix) (08:15)
3. David Jach & Cari Golden - Somewhere (08:03)
4. Stewart Wilson - Insect (07:09)
5. Luca Donzelli & Mar-T - Mama Loves U (06:49)
6. David Herrero - Bueno, Rico Y Lindo (05:57)
7. Anek - This World (feat Robert Owen - Veitengruber remix) (07:25)
8. Flapjackers - Milacek (Ramon Tapia remix) (06:45)
9. Matt Sassari - Drum Pills (06:33)
10. Edvin Camema - Modo (Sydney & Lukez remix) (06:22)
11. Lakosta - Magic Flute (Tonicdj remix) (06:25)
12. Eelke Kleijn - Welcome To Orion (06:10)
13. Monika Kruse & Voodooamt - Highway No. 4 (Skober remix) (06:39)
14. Traumer - Clementine (07:14)
15. Loco & Jam - Junction (07:27)

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