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VA - Special 200 Refs '2017

Special 200 Refs
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Special 200 Refs
Date 2017
GenreTech House
Play time 02:55:27
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1,1 gb
PriceDownload $9.95
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Tracks list

1. Alf&Gio - Your Name (Stefano Crabuzza remix) (07:00)
2. Angelo Raguso & FAW9 - Remus Lupin (Kenny Ground remix) (06:53)
3. Cesar M & Lester G - Phantom (07:28)
4. Dakar Carvalho - Lemonade (06:32)
5. Disease - Lights (06:09)
6. Emanuele Inga - Pocimas (06:24)
7. Florian Gasperini & Lucio Spain - Panic On Board (07:50)
8. Guti Legatto & Jairo Delli - Maleza (Pedro Mercado remix) (07:42)
9. Inga - El Fin Del Principio (Guti Legatto & Tonny San remix) (06:34)
10. Javi Parra - Ketzal (Pedro Costa remix) (06:22)
11. Jay De Lys - Steady Walk (Gianni Firmaio remix) (07:28)
12. Joseph Krause - Illusioni Perdute (Luixar KL remix) (05:46)
13. Joshua Puerta - Allways On Question (Guti Legatto remix) (06:46)
14. Joze - Seven (Raul Facio remix) (08:00)
15. Loris Brega - Kurzer (Giuseppe Cennamo remix) (08:24)
16. Loui Fernandez - Shinok (07:17)
17. Lu George & Juan M - Mae (06:50)
18. Max - Wood (06:18)
19. Oscar Poulsen - Negro Mate (07:17)
20. Rico Martinez - Modular One (08:24)
21. Roberto Apodaca & Guti Legatto - Devils Lair (Just A Mood remix) (07:36)
22. Rone White & Deetech - Glicerina (06:28)
23. Thorsten Hammer & Ben Muetsch - ItAss Yours (06:32)
24. U Z Z V - Best Way To Deal (JP Elorriaga remix) (07:07)
25. Za__Paradigma - Copacabana (06:20)

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