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VA - Chante la vie chante (Love Michel Fugain) (2017) [24bit] '2017

Chante la vie chante (Love Michel Fugain) (2017) [24bit]
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Chante la vie chante (Love Michel Fugain) (2017) [24bit]
Date 2017
Play time 39:05 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 452 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. Chante (Love Michel Fugain) - Kids United
02. Une belle histoire (Love Michel Fugain) - Michel Fugain, Arcadian, Claudio
Capéo, Corneille, Anaïs Delva, Olivier Dion, Damien Sargue, Victoria,
Patrick Fiori, Florent Mothe, Sophie Tapie & Mickaël Dos Santos
03. Je naurai pas le temps (Love Michel Fugain) - Claudio Capéo
04. La fête (Love Michel Fugain) - Arcadian
05. Forteresse (Love Michel Fugain) - Patrick Fiori & Slimane
06. Attention mesdames et messieurs (Love Michel Fugain) - Damien Sargue,
Olivier Dion & Victoria
07. Fais comme loiseau (Love Michel Fugain) - Ben lOncle Soul
08. Jusquà demain peut-être (Love Michel Fugain) - Corneille
09. Bravo monsieur le monde (Love Michel Fugain) - Chimène Badi
10. Tout va changer (Love Michel Fugain) - Florent Mothe
11. Viva la vida (Love Michel Fugain) - Michel Fugain, Anaïs Delva & Sophie
12. Le grain de sable (Love Michel Fugain) - Mickaël Dos Santos

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