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VA - Linea de Flotacion '2017

Linea de Flotacion
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Linea de Flotacion
Date 2017
Play time 01:17:52
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 178 mb
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

1. Verano - La Nina De Agua (06:01)
2. Conde - Los Gatos Que Viven Entre Las Rocas (05:10)
3. Javier Arnal - Besos De Sirena (08:32)
4. Stahlfabrik - Icti­neo (15:22)
5. Reyes Oteo - Unda Maris Electronicae (07:02)
6. Lee Yi - Guyots (05:06)
7. Structweird - Granular Friend (08:01)
8. Pepo Galan - Barco Amor (08:18)
9. Miguel Otero & Duister - Sen LA­mite En Mareas (03:42)
10. RME - Gallaecian Mare (03:28)
11. David Garcia & Dal Tony - La Lola Se Va Del Puerto (04:13)
12. Fabrik - Hydrahulica (02:57)

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