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VA - Playoff Series Vol 3 '2017

Playoff Series Vol 3
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Playoff Series Vol 3
Date 2017
GenreTech house
Play time 01:05:58
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 151 mb
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

1. Nepemora - Black Pumpkin (Phonotrip remix) (06:15)
2. Andres Guerra & Clic - Would (original mix) (06:09)
3. Martins & Mr Wox - Militare (KoZY remix) (05:59)
4. Gesus Lpz & Berlanga - Everything Has A Soul (original mix) (06:50)
5. Angel Santos - Artic (original mix) (06:50)
6. Apolo Fever - Hurricane (original mix) (06:54)
7. Tavo Under - Modulo 44 (original mix) (07:12)
8. Davis Gruss & Black Criss - #18 (dub mix) (06:09)
9. Angel One - Tierra (original mix) (06:11)
10. Mauro Venti - NDa City (original mix) (07:29)

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