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VA - Valentine's Day Perfect Chillout Playlist '2024

Valentine's Day Perfect Chillout Playlist
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Valentine's Day Perfect Chillout Playlist
Date 2024
GenreLounge,Chill Out
Play time 1:55:30
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 632,5 Mb
PriceDownload $5.95
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Tracks list


01. Crossing Colors - Feeling Juicy (4:21)
02. Élan Vital - Eliciting Feelings (4:22)
03. Klasse XXI - Nocturnal Excursions (4:30)
04. Monte Venda - Night Airglow (4:21)
05. Roesselsprung - Resemblance (4:24)
06. Boeklin - At the Minute (4:27)
07. Thezett - More Suggestive (4:25)
08. Asservat - Fontainebleau (4:29)
09. Lichterloh - Two Drinks (4:26)
10. Schauberger - No Contenders (5:26)
11. Pique Dame - Lightness of Being (4:21)
12. Schlichting - Written on the Body (4:26)
13. HIC ET NUNC - Galvanized (4:21)
14. Zirkadian Sender - Libellula (5:49)
15. The Sura Quintet - Funky People (4:29) 16. Fascinating Case - Immersive
Experiences (5:40)
17. Paco Borges Ensemble - Chido (4:26)
18. Chiffre 100 - Sometimes in the Morning (4:28)
19. Breviarium Musicae - Penumbra (4:34)
20. Quadra Montres - Enticing Tales (5:41)
21. Nicola Grassetto - El Sonido del Mar (4:04)
22. Basics On Lounge - Explicit Details (4:24)
23. Eulenspiegel - Muting and Plucking (4:28)
24. Converted Specifications - Natural Springs (4:37)
25. Silex Soils - Adorning the Night (4:30)

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