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VA - Melting Pot Vol. 2 '2017

Melting Pot Vol. 2
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Melting Pot Vol. 2
Date 2017
GenreNu Disco
Play time 01:31:12
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 209 mb
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

1. Julian Sanza - Snow In Minneapolis (03:30)
2. Strandtuch - Detroit 84 (Ashley Beedle North Street remix) (07:54)
3. Phunktastike - Love Me One More Time (06:41)
4. Big Danny Kane - Whispers (05:53)
5. Black Bridge - Rock God (07:26)
6. Bittersuite - Curbed Communications (06:53)
7. Limpopo - Prehistorik (06:47)
8. Situation - Let Me In Again (feat Matt Eaton) (04:31)
9. Acos CoolKAs - Raketa (06:31)
10. Hesohi - Grassroots Underground (06:19)
11. Vampire Disco - Energy And Flow (07:05)
12. That Needs An Edit - Slow Happy (06:55)
13. Gourami - Nation State (05:52)
14. Rubberlips - Print Crime (08:55)

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