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VA - The Fiffties Rockabilly Fever '1987

The Fiffties Rockabilly Fever
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name The Fiffties Rockabilly Fever
Date 1987
Play time 50:45
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 124/292 Mb
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. I Guess Its Meant That Way - Pat Cupp
2. Everybodys Movin - Glen Glenn
3. I Dont Know When - Hal Harris
4. True Affection - Byron Johnson
5. Be Boppin Daddy - Les Cole and the Echoes
6. My Big Fat Baby - Sonny Hall
7. Rock My Warriors Rock - Joe Jackson
8. Rock Little Baby - Les Cole and the Echoes
9. Snake Eyed Mama - Don Cole
10. Nothin But a Nuthin - Charlie Faethers
11. Wild Wild Party - Charlie Feathers
12. Pink Cadillac - Johnny Todd
13. I Cant Find the Doorknob - Jimmy & Johnny
14. Slipping and Sliding - Link Davis
15. Long Gone Daddy - Pat Cupp
16. All the Time - Sleepy LaBeef
17. Go Home Letter - Glenn Barber
18. If I Had Me a Woman - Mac Curtis, Jim Shell
19. Boppin Wig Wam Willie - Ray Scott
20. Do Me No Wrong - Pat Cupp
21. Jitterbop Baby - Hal Harris
22. Little Bit More - Sleepy LaBeef

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