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VA - Society 3.0 Recordings Collection Eleven (Best Of 2016) '2017

Society 3.0 Recordings Collection Eleven (Best Of 2016)
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Society 3.0 Recordings Collection Eleven (Best Of 2016)
Date 2017
GenreTech house
Play time 02:56:19
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 404 mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list

1. Al Bradley - Shiver Me Timbers (Joseph K Focus remix) (06:48)
2. Youre - Blossom (06:02)
3. Oleg Soul - Express (06:20)
4. Deep Montage & Kaysoul - Euphoria (06:46)
5. Andy Bach - LAfrique (Acid dub mix) (04:57)
6. Leao - Cant Get Enough (06:36)
7. Ugur Project - Real Think (06:39)
8. Big Al & Rishi K - Mind Pillow (Deep Montage Underground Rework) (05:22)
9. Ian - Ghetto (05:21)
10. Conny Wolf - Feeling For You (Nik Nazarov remix) (08:19)
11. I-Rod - Franka Y Potente (07:44)
12. Tagtraumera - Williamsburg (Ante Perry remix) (07:52)
13. Woki Toki - Berlin Xperience (07:04)
14. Sinan Kaya - No Sense Of Pride (07:07)
15. Modeplex - Sun Chaser (05:51)
16. Marc De Vole & Ray Simon - Slide Up (06:48)
17. Ugur Project - Easy Snapping (07:20)
18. Danilo Dumonte & Mac-K-Cee - Room 26 (07:16)
19. Pino Arduini - La Vida (Pablo Fierro remix) (06:36)
20. Sinan Kaya - If This World Were Mine (Andy Bach Flowers & Bees remix)
21. Tuneon - Blumarine (05:49)
22. Paul Kardos - Isabel (12:05)
23. Alley Strict - Bttf (06:23)
24. Babis Kotsanis - House Is Feeling (06:36)
25. Ugur Project - Illuminate Your Soul (07:21)
26. Manni - Caraca (Diatonicfamily remix) (05:04)

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