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VA - House Music Selection Thirteen '2017

House Music Selection Thirteen
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name House Music Selection Thirteen
Date 2017
Play time 02:48:48 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 389 mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. Ivan Guasch - On Weekends 05:34
02. Rousing House - Relax Guitar 04:00
03. Major Lover - Bang Bang 04:39
04. Dj Kristina Mailana - Forget Me Not 04:20
05. Rousing House - Day With A Guitar 05:04
06. Dj Favorite - Love Hurts 05:11
07. Hack Jack - No One Else 05:04
08. Timo Veranta - Shake Mind 07:09
09. Bainzu - Caspacho 07:04
10. Daviddance - What Are You Doing To Me? (Remastered) 07:19
11. Vomee - Inertia 05:42
12. Simon Lunardi - Deeper Sunset 05:40
13. Big Bunny - Deep River 04:36
14. Oziriz - Test Drive 05:40
15. Rousing House - Guitar From God 05:44
16. Armagnac - Curve 06:58
17. 33 - Aximate 05:51
18. Michael Fiorente - Into The Web 08:07
19. Hydriss - Lunar Love 05:12
20. Boy Funktastic - Some 05:17
21. Smith & Wesson - Mind Terrorist 06:56
22. Big Bunny - Life Is Good 05:33
23. Sampaio - Mutualism 05:58
24. Groove Cocktail - The Way Of House Music 05:15
25. Giampi Spinelli - We Need 07:03
26. Aurelien Stireg - In My Way 04:46
27. Dj Salvo Lo Greco - Hot Babe Funky House 06:47
28. P-Card - Saxophobic 05:49
29. Dinodeuts - Let The Spirit Meet You 06:19

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