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VA - The Sound Gallery Volume One '1995

The Sound Gallery Volume One
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name The Sound Gallery Volume One
Date 1995
Play time 60:35
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 431,1 Mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


1. Oh Calcutta - The Dave Pell Singers
2. Black Rite - Mandingo
3. Punch Bowl - Alan Parker
4. The Night Rider - Alan Hackshaw
5. The Riviera Affair - Alan Hackshaw
6. Jet Stream - John Gregory
7. Half Forgotten Daydreams - John Cameron
8. Jaguar - John Gregory
9. Life of Leisure - Keith Mansfield
10. Girl In A Sportscar - Alan Hackshaw
11. Young Scene - Keith Mansfield
12. Its All At The Co-Op Now - Alan Hackshaw
13. Alan Morehouse and His Bond Street Brigade - Alan Morehouse and His Bond
Street Brigade
14. Denny Wright and the Hustlers: - Denny Wright and the Hustlers
15. The Headhunter - Mandingo
16. Blarneys Stoned - Alan Hackshaw
17. The Earthmen - Paddy Kingsland
18. I Feel The Earth Move - John Keating
19. The Penthouse Suite - Syd Dale
20. The Snake Pit - Mandingo
21. Brian Bennett: Boogie Juice - Brian Bennett
22. The Detectives - Alan Tew
23. Jesus Christ Superstar - Johnny Keating
24. Music to Drive By - Joe Loss Concertium

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