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VA - Slow Jazz (Smooth Saxophone, Trumpet and Piano) '2024

Slow Jazz (Smooth Saxophone, Trumpet and Piano)
ArtistVA Related artists
Album name Slow Jazz (Smooth Saxophone, Trumpet and Piano)
Date 2024
Play time 1:19:48
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 441,3 Mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. Gabriel Belleto - Hope (3:49)
02. Stuart Fischer - Time After Time (4:01)
03. Doyle McCarthy - Falling Leaves (4:01)
04. Zoltan Swanson - Sweet Sadness (3:49)
05. Chet Cenatro - Hidden Street (3:42)
06. Zane Goodman - Pink Skies (4:00)
07. Emilia Cacere - Tranquility (4:11)
08. Horvat Trio - My Passion (4:23)
09. Briem Bergmann - Don't Tell Me (4:12)
10. Waldo Schmidt - You Broke Me First (3:52)
11. Horvat Trio - Fall of Love (3:58)
12. Robert Kolinz - Fog Magic (4:09)
13. Tony Bianchi - Let Your Hair Down (3:57)
14. Izzy Fullier - Goodbye (3:46)
15. ROBERT SMART - Night Taxi (3:52)
16. Lambert Dupont - The Rain Song (4:10)
17. Jerry Blaken - New York (4:02)
18. Matteo Magnus - Lonely Evening (4:09)
19. Bruno Ricci - Last Train (3:37)
20. Zoltan Swanson - So What (4:08)

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